Virtual reality educational game for the marine ecosystem: The case of Blue Life VR

In recent years, the traditional models employed in the educational system have faced increasing scrutiny, leading to a paradigm shift driven by the emergence of immersive technologies. Extensive research has revealed the transformative potential of immersive technologies in enhancing the learning experience for students. This study aims to contribute to this evolving landscape by introducing an educational application that utilizes Virtual Reality (VR) technology. Specifically focused on educating users about the marine ecosystem, the application engages users through their interaction with a virtual environment. A meticulously designed script guided the creation of various scenes within the app, and all functionalities were implemented with careful consideration of available resources. The proposed VR application was evaluated for its effectiveness and impact with positive results. This research seeks to expand the understanding of immersive educational tools and their application, emphasizing the significance of leveraging VR technology to create engaging and effective learning experiences.
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